patti hopkins
The Accountability Coach
The only thing you need is a desire to change.
The only thing that works is balance & accountabilty.
I have interacted with Patti Hopkins during many drug and alcohol substance emergencies, sober living predicaments and even a couple of serious legal challenges. It is no exaggeration to say she has quite literally saved my daughters life...
CAPT. D.S. Muehlbach Jr. PhD
What's Different About Accountability vs. Treatment/Therapy?

“Accountability is one person talking to another. I have no letters after my name. Everything I know and have learned has been through my own experiences. My own struggles. We are not doing Therapy. I am available to you outside of the hours we meet. We are working together in a consistent fashion for your success in learning Structure, Organization and Consistency in building a new routine in your daily life. I am not bound by any laws as to what we can & can not talk about. I am an open book. Our time is not “up” at 10 minutes to the hour if we are not done talking.”
-Patti Hopkins
Primary Areas of Support
[Click on the arrow for more details on each area]
Support for Substance Abuse, other addictions. We offer suggestions/ tools / resources that are suited to each individual as to what path of recovery will resonate with them and work for them.
We work with addicts, their families if need be and individuals that may not have an active addiction, however… their lives are unmanageable due to their addiction, being in relationship with an addict, or are obsessive “caregivers”, etc. When we don’t know how to say NO. When we have no sense of SELF. This can be due to DENIAL of circumstances and/or an inability to uphold BOUNDARIES for ourselves.
Many people, addict or not… are having a difficult time, especially in today’s social and economic climate to find motivation, self-confidence, self esteem to gain traction in an upward trajectory in their lives. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes it’s an overbearing parent (with codependency issues!), sometimes we struggle with depression (be it situational or not) and other mental health issues which brings on procrastination…a full cycle of distractong and avoiding. Sometimes, we just need to learn how to just not be lazy & slothful and start the process of growing up.
OH BOY! This has become an epidemic. I have been working with people for the be\er part of 2 decades, and I’ve watched this paralyzing decline of human connection, intimacy, inability to communicate or even feel real feelings anymore. Social media is a breeding ground for Narcissism, Body Dysmorphia, ADD and an inability to participate in or even KNOW what a real, genuine relationship looks like.
Support for Substance Abuse, other addictions. We offer suggestions/ tools / resources that are suited to each individual as to what path of recovery will resonate with them and work for them.
We work with addicts, their families if need be and individuals that may not have an active addiction, however… their lives are unmanageable due to their addiction, being in relationship with an addict, or are obsessive “caregivers”, etc. When we don’t know how to say NO. When we have no sense of SELF. This can be due to DENIAL of circumstances and/or an inability to uphold BOUNDARIES for ourselves.
Many people, addict or not… are having a difficult time, especially in today’s social and economic climate to find motivation, self-confidence, self esteem to gain traction in an upward trajectory in their lives. There can be many reasons for this. Sometimes it’s an overbearing parent (with codependency issues!), sometimes we struggle with depression (be it situational or not) and other mental health issues which brings on procrastination…a full cycle of distractong and avoiding. Sometimes, we just need to learn how to just not be lazy & slothful and start the process of growing up.
OH BOY! This has become an epidemic. I have been working with people for the better part of 2 decades, and I’ve watched this paralyzing decline of human connection, intimacy, inability to communicate or even feel real feelings anymore. Social media is a breeding ground for Narcissism, Body Dysmorphia, ADD and an inability to participate in or even KNOW what a real, genuine relationship looks like.
Some people have an extremely difficult time structuring their lives. Creating and consistently sticking to a healthy, balanced routine. Look at the INSIDE of your car, your home, your bedroom, your desk/office…your PURSE!! These areas are great indicators of what it looks like inside your mind! We work together to “build” a balanced, structured routine that will help eliminate chaos & disorganization that lead us to low self esteem, unreliability, and general sloth. It creates self confidence, self respect and helps rebuild faith in us from those around us.
When someone has been in detox, treatment, sober living, jail and they are re-entering the real world to begin to apply what they have learned in these sheltered bubbles…monitoring can be a great way to create accountability for family members, legal reasons, custody issues, etc. We can work together to show and document your progress, what you are doing, what your goals are to create transparency for the folks in our life that may have lost faith in their ability to believe a word we say. It can be very helpful to have someone advocating (or assisting with) re- entering these relationships and re-building faith in us. Remember, WE have burned those bridges and we will hopefully have patience with them as we grow and move forward. We will know we’re doing be\er before they will. They, too have “triggers” and “fears” as they have watched us. They are fearful of the worst. We can help bridge that for you and for them.
Our goal and our strength is to support you in your “Forward Motion” journey! Crea5ng structure, offering tools, making suggestions, joining you in finding what resonates with you to build that foundation for success! We are not therapists, but kindred souls that have only walked this path before you. We have great “Outside Resources” we can refer you to when/if it becomes clear that it is indicated for additional support.
Some of us are facing legal situations, custody and/or marital legalities, conservatorships, job requirements due to our circumstances we’ve created as a result of our addictions or mental health issues. We document daily (when required by you or another source per your request) to present your actions in pursuing putting your life back together. In our nightly check ins…we breathalyze per Facetime or Zoom (we supply you with a breathalyzer), we UA Test you weekly (or more ofen if required), we document your actions, completion of goals, meeting attendance, etc. This is established on the needs of each individual as to what information is required to be documented. NOTHING outside the scope of what is REQUIRED will ever be discussed outside our meetings.
Some people have an extremely difficult time structuring their lives. Creating and consistently sticking to a healthy, balanced routine. Look at the INSIDE of your car, your home, your bedroom, your desk/office…your PURSE!! These areas are great indicators of what it looks like inside your mind! We work together to “build” a balanced, structured routine that will help eliminate chaos & disorganization that lead us to low self esteem, unreliability, and general sloth. It creates self confidence, self respect and helps rebuild faith in us from those around us.
When someone has been in detox, treatment, sober living, jail and they are re-entering the real world to begin to apply what they have learned in these sheltered bubbles…monitoring can be a great way to create accountability for family members, legal reasons, custody issues, etc. We can work together to show and document your progress, what you are doing, what your goals are to create transparency for the folks in our life that may have lost faith in their ability to believe a word we say. It can be very helpful to have someone advocating (or assisting with) re- entering these relationships and re-building faith in us. Remember, WE have burned those bridges and we will hopefully have patience with them as we grow and move forward. We will know we’re doing better before they will. They, too have “triggers” and “fears” as they have watched us. They are fearful of the worst. We can help bridge that for you and for them.
Our goal and our strength is to support you in your “Forward Motion” journey! Creating structure, offering tools, making suggestions, joining you in finding what resonates with you to build that foundation for success! We are not therapists, but kindred souls that have only walked this path before you. We have great “Outside Resources” we can refer you to when/if it becomes clear that it is indicated for additional support.
Some of us are facing legal situations, custody and/or marital legalities, conservatorships, job requirements due to our circumstances we’ve created as a result of our addictions or mental health issues. We document daily (when required by you or another source per your request) to present your actions in pursuing putting your life back together. In our nightly check ins…we breathalyze per Facetime or Zoom (we supply you with a breathalyzer), we UA Test you weekly (or more ofen if required), we document your actions, completion of goals, meeting attendance, etc. This is established on the needs of each individual as to what information is required to be documented. NOTHING outside the scope of what is REQUIRED will ever be discussed outside our meetings.
la costa solutions
Primary Format of Accountability
Creates Accountability for Transitioning/At Risk of Relapse
Addressing what we were pouring drugs and alcohol on (outside help)
Creating a healthy routine/Forward Motion/Follow Through/ “Launching”
Learning to set ATTAINABLE goals
Working on setting boundaries & learning to use our voice (delivery)
Seeking to find sources that resonate with us re: “spirituality” i.e. Give us HOPE
Learning to let go of outcomes
Learning tools to live by
Learning about contrary actions
Basically-Growing Up
Have a Look at Our
Accountability Program
THIS IS UP TO YOU! There is NO Have to, NEED TO, MUST or SHOULD that will ever come out of my mouth.
I Am Not a Therapist
My name is Patti Hopkins and I previously owned and operated La Costa Solutions for Women Sober Living Home in Carlsbad for 14 years. I loved this experience and what a journey it was! The structure in our home was definitely about getting and staying sober…but the real focus was on how to do that! Stopping is the easy part…staying stopped is a whole new ballgame.
Tailored to You
I meet with the client that feels they could benefit from added support and together we determine what that looks like. We are all unique in the way we will walk through recovery and how we learn. There is no cookie cutter way to approach this…at least not in my experience.
You've Got To Want It
This is also not for people that don’t WANT it. I will fight for you, I will fight hard for you…but you have to bring willingness and at least a water pistol to the fight! I will let you know if it is not a good fit. I will not keep you on as a client if it becomes clear that I can’t help you. That drains me and is a disservice to you.
I Am A Fighter
I will fight for you, then in time, along side you as we walk this path. Sometimes when we are new in recovery or starting to work on structuring our lives because there is no balance due to Co-Dependency, etc. we have a victim mentality. A victim mentality vs. being an actual victim are two different things. You and I will find out in short order which one of these you are. My goal is to turn that water pistol into an arsenal to which you can show up in your own life and be a fighter. Bottom line.
Patti Hopkins - The Accountability Coach
Free 30 Minute Consultation
Give us a call and let’s see if we are a good fit. There is no obligation. We have a limited amount of clients that we can work with, don’t miss this opportunity for your future self.
We will get back to you within 24 hours.
If you feel you are having an emergency please call 911 or a mental health professional immediately.